Health Tips: Lowers cholesterol, keeps the kidneys and heart healthy, this drink will keep you FIT’ during the summer....


Whether it is winter or summer, the streets are squalid. But with the arrival of summer, the demand increases. Summer days are coming. Dr. Subhash Kumar Karmakar recommends regular consumption of corn juice to keep the body healthy. Drink a glass of betel nut juice to relieve fatigue. Therefore, sugarcane juice is called a natural energy drink.

Dr. Subhash Kumar Karmakar says, “Besides getting rid of dehydration, corn juice holds the key to keeping the heart healthy. Sugarcane syrup also does not contain saturated fat. Drink this drink regularly to keep your kidneys healthy.” Sugarcane is also very beneficial for urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and prostate disease. Corn juice plays a special role in reducing the level of bad cholesterol. It also helps improve heart health.


Sugarcane Juice is rich in sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and calories. Sugarcane juice can protect the body from dehydration during hot days. Not only that, besides increasing energy levels, this corn juice is also good for kidneys and digestion.

Sugarcane juice is rich in sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and calories. Sugarcane juice can protect the body from dehydration during hot days. Not only that, besides increasing energy levels, this corn juice is also good for kidneys and digestion.

However, people with diabetes and obesity should not consume sugarcane juice. Since corn juice contains enough sugar, can raise blood sugar levels and make diabetes worse.
